Wednesday, September 13, 2017

My Self-care Journey

For my wellness class, we had to establish a clear goal based on our "lifestyle wheel," I found that I lacked in family, spiritual, and emotional areas, but I severely lacked in my "self-care" area. Ironic, as my entire life is based on providing this essential to others.

I thought that if I focused on this area the other areas of my life would grow as well.

My 21 day goal was to take part in an hour of self-care ritual each day. Not only has this goal been great at enhancing my journey, but it has also been good at making me realize the little self-care rituals I participate in, making me more aware of the gifts I receive each day.

Day 1- I received a 90 minute lymph drainage session, much needed and cleared the clog on my head that has been causing ice-pick headaches.

Day 2- I floundered at this a bit, I was tired, so my self-care activity revolved around lounging with my family and enjoying a movie night and take-out, though I'm a proponent for organic nourishing foods, we all need to indulge our taste buds once and awhile.

Day 3- I got to stimulate my creative juices and assembled salt scrubs (30), bath bombs (80), and gift baskets for my friends bridal shower. Many may think this is work, but the husband entertained our son so I got uninterrupted time to be creative. Something I don't get much of.

Day 4- I went to my support group for people who have family members suffering from addiction. This group has been instrumental in delving deep into my root problems that contribute to disruption of my peace of mind. What made it all the more enjoyable was my husband taking our son, I don't get to enjoy the group without him running around and causing disruption so it was nice! I also deleted all the games off my phone, I realized I spend a lot of time playing games when I could be nourishing myself and doing things that require my attention. My goal is to replace these short bursts with solid self-care time.

Day 5- I spent cuddle time with my son in the morning, we giggled and tickled and enjoyed the wee pre sun rise activities of mom and son bonding. I don't get much time with just him and I without stress of the "to-do" list looming. I just got to enjoy us.

Day 6- I was able to do an hour of yoga, I had a toddler climbing all over me, but me-time is me-time regardless of who interferes.

Day 7- I tried desperately to take a nap before my swing shift, but didn't get to, my mind was racing with my to-do list and feeling guilty about it all. When I got to work I was able to move my last client of the day up two hours and leave an hour earlier than anticipated. This extra hour was an extra hour of seeing my son before he went to bed, which nourishes me.

Day 8- An hour massage, woohoo! I love my massages and since it's my birthday month I am getting one a week (and a two hour the day before my birthday). 

Day 9- I'm slacking, but managed to get about 45 min of yoga in today, me is not the priorit today.

Day 10-everything I did today revolved around service to others, I tried but couldn't get more than 10 minutes of meditation in.

Day 11- Made it to my support group and went out to eat with my son, much needed soul nourishing

Day 12- Went to counseling, focused on fears and dreams for the upcoming future, was a good session!

Day 13- Took a 90 minute nap with my son, live Cuddling the lil bear!

Day 14- low clients today so got out 4 hours earlier than expected, spent the time cleaning, which puts my mind at ease, self care is a good environment!

Day 15- got to hang out with the family for a few hours enjoying food and outdoor time

Day 16- 2 Hour Massage and game night with my friends, much needed!!

Day 17- Trip to blackhawk for my birthday with my husband.

Day 18- Trip to blackhawk then a lazy recoup day...lots of sleeping!

Day 19- Went to lunch with my son

Day 20- 5 minutes of zen for me, not much time to do anything else

Day 21- Grandma took me out for my birthday breakfast, plus 30 min yoga in between clients!

What I noticed on this journey....

Overall, my mood improved, I became generally happier and kinder to people I interacted with. I deleted games on the phone and swapped it for time cherishing me. My body feels happier than it has in a long time and I notice a beat on my step. I feel more grateful for everything I have and have taken note of the small activities that I can call self-cate because they nourish my soul. I think I have grown closer to my son and husband and I have enjoyed going to work more. I got sick on day 17, and I'm thinking this is a sign that my body has been overworked and overstressed. I feel happy about maintaining this relationship with myself and making me time more of a priority!

Thursday, July 20, 2017

July's Message: Artichokes

My fingers dance along the patches of skin that collide to form your costume, your shell.
The most beautiful parts of you are inescapably hidden beneath a thorny warning-
Prickly prefaces that tell a story of a past that caused you to grow so far from your roots,
You lost all sight of your heart that everyone cherishes so dearly,
Even I, who is you just as you, that person in the mirror, is me,
Had a hard time to get past that capsule that held you helplessly,
Lavishing as the victim underneath.
I had to peel you layer by layer, not like an onion, that is simple to reach the center,
No, you were better guarded than a tightly woven artichoke-
Casted around a heart of gold.
That heart failed to glimmer like the one that stood before.
The skin had grown around you too far for anyone to know.
Now with unreserved release you seem to be coming unglued,
Sifting through the thorns and leaves, you've come to parody,
Some of the hardest spots are gone but you're not sure how much is quite left,
Peeling incessantly to un-choke your heart.

So honored to have such great clients that trust me with their bodies each day! Thank you!

Yours in touch,
Lizzie Johnson, LMT

Monday, February 6, 2017

February's Message: Touch as a Way to Thrive

Here we are, the month of love. Perhaps you dislike the hallmarky, candy obsessed holiday, or perhaps you see this as a reminder to share the love. Whether your single or on your 50th year to the beau who stole your heart years ago you better listen up, because touch=love.

It wasn't long into my massage experience that pain relief brought me a new sense of freedom and deep admiration for the therapist that got me there! Going into my massage education I still didn't understand the remarkable transformation occurring from 4+ hours of massage a week.

But...I saw it impacting my life!

The migraines were gone,  my body image began to morph,  my idea of beauty became a hand skilfully gliding through muscles,  the tender parts of my body released, and tears at the drop of a hat came out. Everything that 24 years on this earth had stored seemed to just open up in cathartic release.

When you receive positive touch you release oxytocin. Oxytocin is the chemical of love and bonding. 95% of this wonder drug is produced by the cells lining the intestinal wall, probably why you feel those butterflies when you hold someone's hand or cradle your belly when your sad.

Oxytocin is called the mother hormone because it's what helps bond us to our babies, stimulate milk production, help a baby thrive.

It doesn't stop post birth, oxytocin helps us all to thrive!  What is the difference between living and thriving? Living is me going into work, doing my job, and going home. Thriving is me going into work, feeling blessed to have clients, excited to help others, celebrating your successes with you,  and going home with an exuberance see my family.

Thriving is the color in the canvas of life.

Without touch infants actually die, it is as necessary to life as food and water! Without touch adults become prone to depression, anxiety, anger, ptsd, and stress.

The old form of western medicine was to not touch the dying.  Before cancer and AIDS and a host of other terminal diseases became more well known, it was common practice to wrap yourself up on masks and gloves, a visual reminder of, "I don't want to touch you." Loved ones were not allowed to the bedside of their ailing family and even the act of giving birth was a detached process (maybe I'll rant about this in a future blog).

Much of this has changed, doctors and nurses are now encouraged to touch the dying and sick. Massage and Healing Touch is now brought into hospitals and institutions at exciting rates. Nurses are in line to receive holistic education and the general concensus is touch is better!

You don't need four hours of massage a week to experience the joy of touch, some great actions you can take:

-Hug someone for 20+ seconds a day
-Practice skin to skin contact with your baby (even if they're 3 mos old this has an impact)
-Hold someone's hand
-Cuddle- your spouse, your kids, your BFF
-Sit on someone's lap or have them sit on yours
-Receive massage regularly, especially during high stress times
-Give someone else a massage
-Volunteer at a nursing home and extend hugs and warm shoulders to the patients
-Rub your belly every night (next time your in ask me how to do this)
-Massage yourself during your yoga practice
-Rub your dogs belly
-Let your cat sit on your chest
-Shake someone's hand for an extended period of time (bonus- look them in the eye while you do this)
-Touch someone's arm or back when you talk to them

Be a pioneer for positive touch!

Yours in touch,

Lizzie Johnson, LMT