Saturday, April 20, 2019

The End is a Beginning Too!

Three years ago I made a split second decision to move my business to Littleton. It was a necessity at the time that grew to a comfort that I never knew I could have! Recently, I opened myself up to the universe to guide my next stage in evolution as a massage therapist and doors have been opened, paths have been lit, all guiding me to my new home at Elevation Health in Southeast Denver.

Over the years I have had the pleasure of working with some of the best clients I could imagine and have enjoyed learning of your stories, both the ones you and your body tells! I have dived deep into tissues and emotional releases, seen you flourish and suffer, the wisdom I have gained from touching each of you is not something I take for granted! You have all been instrumental into creating the therapist I am today and I hold a space of immense gratitude for every chronic condition, every pregnancy sore, every new life, every sigh of deep relaxation.

I have been procrastinating this message to you, because this massive change in my life hasn't fully been accepted by my mind. My body is saying let's go on an adventure and my mind is still stuck in the fear of the unknown.

Littleton has gifted me an easy commute, a plethora of eclectic people, and has even given me MassageBook's #1 Massage Therapist for the majority of time being here, something that truly honors me!

I can't imagine what the future holds, and hope that this change is as positive for you as I imagine it will be for me! Since I will be moving into a space with other practitioners I wanted to share with you some of the new services that will be available at this new location:

  • Prenatal, Pediatric, & Family Chiropractors (Mon-Fri) | Dr. Patti Gonzalez, Dr. Maggie McInnes
  • Pediatric Naturopath (Mondays) | Dr. Meg Hammell
  • Lactation Specialist (Group on Wed @ 10:30am | Private Wed & Sat) | Ana Hill, IBCLC
  • Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist (Wednesdays) | Dr. Ashley Zimmerman
  • Whole Body Scanner (Thursdays) | Becca Dickerson
  • Midwifery (various) | Heidi Hennigan
  • Doula (various) | Heidi Hennigan
  • Placenta Encapsulations (various) | Heidi Hennigan
  • IV Therapies (Mon-Fri/except Wednesdays) | Nurse Kim Rivera
  • Frequency Specific Micro-current (Mon-Fri/except Wednesdays) | Nurse Kim Rivera
  • Energy Work (Mon-Fri/except Wednesdays) | Nurse Kim Rivera
I will begin working Fridays & Saturdays at Elevation Health to begin, with the intention of expanding days as books begin filling up. 

I have also made a few changes to my business, that I believe will make the process more seamless:
  • Single Memberships- will now be available for just single members at $150 annually and $60 for each additional member (payment plans are still available on an as needed basis, discuss with me) 
  • No Tip Policy- I have gone back and forth for a few months contemplating this change, I believe enacting a NO TIP policy better serves the work I do and you as clients (no more feeling the guilt of not tipping or running out to your car to tip, all of my prices account for my personal and business needs). Please respect this decision and don't tip.
I will be working with the providers at Elevated Health to provide packaged services as well, stay posted for that!

Understandably, for some of you this change will be more stress than benefit, but wherever your services land, I hope you all continue to enhance your state of being through holistic approaches!

Yours in touch,

Lizzie Johnson, LMT